The usual Sunday, getting the beat right during worship service etcetc, not to mention a sneak preview at a phone coming out into the market pretty soon from an employee of Nokia who coincidently attends my church too :) Kinda blessed i guess he drives one of the latest Volvos you can get on the market this days.
Well anyway back to the phone, i mean look Wi-Fi, 2MP Camera with outstanding quality and a Zeiss lens, i mean what could go wrong ya know? Except the hefty price tag of about SGD1000, yeah the usual dumbfounded look on my face. Yeah Yeah you people with the money to change phones almost everytime one comes out, a corporate piggy bank i say, sadly i have used my moolah to "indulge" in the art of photography but yeah at least i earn quite a handsome bit and am securing a career for myself.
Let us look back @ the "Live 8" concerts, we know what they are campaigning for, i mean its for the Starving/Aids Ridden/War Ridden/Corruption Galore Africa yeah? I mean some of us are very calculative people, ask yourselves this then, a thousand smackeroos and a choice to spludge it on the latest handphone gadgets or contribute a dollar to save a single life, i mean its a thousand lives that can at least have a decent meal for just one miserable day... you get the damn picture.
So basically lets stop ranting and asking God why those blokes in Africa are starving the death, firstly there are already people dying at our own doorstep, and definitely choice is something the almighty has bestowed upon us.
You decide.