Saturday, July 30, 2005

Hype Gallery

Gonna take part in this, never had my works printed in large format before nor taken a real intellectual creativity in my photographs.

Hope to get a good response from this exhibition.

For those interested to view the gallery its on exhibition at the Arts House, 1 Old Parliament Lane and online at

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Many an "Oppurtunity"

Just the usual monday blues, or so i thought.

Been hearing all about this Student Exchange Program to Canberra, well the usual thinking is well probably the "best" student with excellent academics and the ability to "appease" the higher hierachy of the school's somewhat defunct system and that he/she would have to go through some financial strain to make it down under.

Well seems the suitable candidate dropped out as the strain is rather hard to bare, i mean there comes the oppurtunity i can say not many have the privilege to live in another culture or experience the new world.

Having received the offer to go... well i might just take it yeah? We'll see...

Sunday, July 24, 2005

A Price on Things

The usual Sunday, getting the beat right during worship service etcetc, not to mention a sneak preview at a phone coming out into the market pretty soon from an employee of Nokia who coincidently attends my church too :) Kinda blessed i guess he drives one of the latest Volvos you can get on the market this days.

Well anyway back to the phone, i mean look Wi-Fi, 2MP Camera with outstanding quality and a Zeiss lens, i mean what could go wrong ya know? Except the hefty price tag of about SGD1000, yeah the usual dumbfounded look on my face. Yeah Yeah you people with the money to change phones almost everytime one comes out, a corporate piggy bank i say, sadly i have used my moolah to "indulge" in the art of photography but yeah at least i earn quite a handsome bit and am securing a career for myself.

Let us look back @ the "Live 8" concerts, we know what they are campaigning for, i mean its for the Starving/Aids Ridden/War Ridden/Corruption Galore Africa yeah? I mean some of us are very calculative people, ask yourselves this then, a thousand smackeroos and a choice to spludge it on the latest handphone gadgets or contribute a dollar to save a single life, i mean its a thousand lives that can at least have a decent meal for just one miserable day... you get the damn picture.

So basically lets stop ranting and asking God why those blokes in Africa are starving the death, firstly there are already people dying at our own doorstep, and definitely choice is something the almighty has bestowed upon us.

You decide.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The 5Cs

I have answered the call of the Supreme Cockster.

And thus i shall go forth in photographing this wonderful production.

Singapore - The Prostitute Nation

Took this picture quite awhile back. Often reminds me what our leaders are doing most of the time, their surbodinates are learning fast too......

So are we truly independent of our own thinking or just looking for the next best "dick" with the higher digits in dollar and cents.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Bunch of morons

Guess this past few posts are of that of negativity, bear with me thanks...

Here was the situation when victory was within our grasp but a whole load of idiots with heavy firepower don't wish to cross the bridge to reinforce the blokes which included me parachuting in to clear the way for them...

We ended dying a very miserable death by the swarm of gay-assed nade spamming/expacking whores on the Axis side... in which we could have overwhelmed and kicked ass if they crossed the bridge....

Its only a game, but nevertheless i think this would happen to us if in war and those true soldiers get their asses kicked because of a bunch of morons slacking behind the frontline.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Too old for partying?

Good ol glen pointed out to me that usually saying one is too old is a lousy excuse to avoid parties, to keep the next bit short of an excuse to go partying is fairly simple, i hate the fucking noise, i like to keep to myself and to avoid a massive dose of alcohol being used as a tool of shame by many a folk out there this days so basically for short i hate partying and there is always a better way to spend ones allowance or salary.

A good quiet barbecue as i've always seen it is the better alternative, well good thing i never succumbed to any sort of pressure to do something i don't deem fit, no offence to anybody who might think otherwise, this days i rather be honest than going round bushes to avoid showing my real thoughts, simpler for blokes to take the straightforward-ness then remaining skeptical and sometimes too cynical for any intellectual intake.

Yes Glen i agree its a lousy excuse, my apologies and here is my honest p.o.v :)

Safe journey for Ewan who goes off to Thailand for an overseas posting, take care dude we will see you back here very soon :)

Excited about school tomorrow, after that SNAFU situation on Monday.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Argh, Can they just update their Goddamn intranet properly?

Then again i know school starts today the 11th July, and again i didn't get any notification from the school or my Class Rep, til... the SMS came in while i was snoozing away..... oblivous to the fact there was class in the morning.

Of course i tried accessing the damn school intranet to check for my new Timetable, those damn "idiots" aren't doing jack to improve or update it, everytime after logging in it seems i have to constantly log in after the index page attempts to load itself for my viewing pleasure...

So much for attempting to begin school on a good note.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

London.... may all the Media Mayhem begin...

I ain't no journalist, but end of the day if i intepret it correctly, journalism is supposed to shed the light on the truth on many an event such as this one or the ones prior to it and give an equal and fair priority to any other.

Yes we show our sympathy to the victims of the latest terror attacks on the London Tube but end of the day i hope and wish that the media in general do their jobs more to dig up the real truth behind the attacks,upon having a discussion with several of me blokes today and looking back on the 9/11 attacks it seems rather upsurd that several events on that fateful day happened... and yet remain to be explained, were the terrorists really behind the attacks? IMHO i say yes but as always we ask the question who opened the "Door" for them to do it in the first place?

I mean we always seek justice for the wrongs others do to us, end of the day where is that justice? I ain't no American either but end of the day if given the chance to be in their shoes i would feel the same way and will attempt get to the truth whatever the cost may be, lives were lost... more lives lost due to the "Imperialist" wars declared by Mr Bushy, whenever there is war casualties will include military and civilian, i condemn terrorist attacks and i also strongly condemn wars based on blind judgement for the hidden agenda of a Politician and his Cronies.

Here's a bit of truth in our rather cynical world we live in.. spare a thought.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

What is happening..

Well just came back from a NDP rehearsal where the SAF showed its strength to not just a local but international audience because of the IOC meeting, stretching its muscles i would say for the "sake" of doing so heh.

SAF Day was also celebrated yesterday, a tribute to our Nsmen and Service personnel for the hard work to keep this land our own, for the matter to mention the recent deaths of a few of our servicemen whom i would say died during the prime of their lives, got a shock that a 19 year old instructor at Tekong just collapsed and died, and i thought i was old....

Well they can't find no explanation for his death, rather disturbing ain't it? I would be..

Time to go horizontal, what a tiring day from 6am til 8pm today :-/