Heres the photo essay of today's happenings,

Yishun Station, Nee Soon Central SMC

Sales of the New Democrat, greetings from the local press

Left to Right:'Uncle Yap', Charles Tan, Chee Siok Chin

Greeting the residents

The presence of the press hindered effective sales of 'The New Democrat' and for communication to take place with the residents, alternative plans were discussed.

Left to Right: Monica Kumar & Christopher Teo

The trigger happy press, one wonders whether they got the shots they need and whether they need to spend alot of time hounding the walkabout team.

Greetings from a well-wisher, we need all the help and support we can get!

The media presence does not sway this Lady from making a purchase.

At the underpass, the longest period where the press didn't bother us.

Here 'they' come..............

Apperently the Channel Asia Newscrew arrived late and had the
great honour of disrupting our leave with questioning.