Thursday, July 06, 2006

Parallels Of Events

Many readers of China's history might recall the events of the Hundred Flowers Campaign imposed by Mao Tze Tung during the early days of communist China.

Now let us look at the events befolding the infamous Singaporean Blogger Mr Brown, i certainly recall Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's speech in encouraging Singaporeans to speak up with different views.

How is this in any way encouraging alternative views? Or is just another trap to lure those with dissenting views into the open and then taking the advantage to suppress them and incite fear amongst the population with the phrases:"Obey or else you'll suffer".

Of course perhaps the crackdown here won't be as severe as the good ol days of the Chinese Revolution, but let us ask ourselves the question whether it might come to that one day?

Alas i've spoken enough on this point, we need to take action and support our fellow Singaporeans and hold the Government accountable for its actions, woe to the PAP for using the reasoning that it has been voted into power as a legitimate cause for implementing of its ways, i ask them if whether the votes casts are casted on the basis of fear or a genuine lack of an alternative? Was there really an unbias view of the different political parties here during the election period or was there not? And nevertheless crippling opposition parties through the process of court through defamation suits?

Stop being Kids my dear PAP, and stop preventing this country from becoming a truly first world nation.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I Am Singaporean

Add-on to Mr Brown's contribution to the latest browncast, i lack the facilities so i'll type it out.

I Am Singaporean

I've been treated as a 3rd class citizen in the country i'm born in.

People start to remember me when i make it good outside the country.

A local media conglomorate has no respect for my intellectual property.

Innocent people get hanged very often, with no regard for their loved ones.

Lives put on hold due to lack of personal morality.

I will never own anything here.

Serve the country by wasting time.

Get slapped in the face if you do not bear the white colors.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Brown Getting Flogged

Article link here

Seems that the Ministry of Communication & The Arts (MICA) has gone on a blitz to downplay Mr Brown's views on matters concerning the country.

Well for a fact, its up to the reader to decide on his/her views on the article, and whether they would want to take it seriously or for something to ponder on, to note that the article is published in the voices section of the Today paper, 'silencing' dissent views a.k.a desperate to give a political label to the infamous blogger.

In my personal view, he is still a constructive critic and he is proactively attempting to engage the reader to provide suggestions and solutions to daily issues, ain't that what the 'comments' or 'write us' section is for? Besides why is the ministry sidelining him in this way? Rather than engaging him instead, unless they are so sure they have the solutions or should i say ideas that they possess in mind, as a matter of fact they were voted into power after all, engage us say one what.....

Besides is the Government really acknowledging the rising costs having to be taken by a majority of Singaporeans? Jack up the bills yes, but think again whether a huge sum of the taxpayers money is going somewhere else of a lower priority than the main priority which is the Citizen first, the hardworking Singaporean.

Is it truly Globalisation? Yes one of the 'many' factors for rise in costs, has the Government taken steps to acknowledge its own faults? That i've yet to see, and perhaps a whole load of other concerned citizens as well.

And causing cynicism and despondency? Man......